I am a multimedia artist and puppet maker from Evanston, IL.
My interest in Afrofuturism as a practice compels me to center the question “what if?” While digital pieces depict an imagined journey and arrival to a black utopian future, my 3-D art—sculptures and garments-- encompass what we might take when we get there. My process for puppet-making integrates all these mediums, and in doing this, grounds my explorations of self-making. Rather than replicating the suffering of black existence, the storytelling that emerges through my work uplifts legacies of joy, resilience, and creativity. My use of non-conventional materials such as coffee and recyclables underscores black traditions of creating more with less despite limitations of space, supplies, time, and freedom. There is urgency in my work. I prioritize the preservation of fleeting moments of pleasure and delight over what is traditionally documented in the archives of African American histories and what is generally celebrated in the gallery space in Western culture. I connect with audiences by eliciting their sense of nostalgia, tradition, and popular culture.